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EXAMPLE: cracked:

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which app do you want to have cracked?

please post under comment which iphone app you want to proof and get cracked

12 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

how about caterpillar 1.2.1?

Anonym hat gesagt…

caterpillar is in my opinion one of the useless and bad what you can do to your phone... there are some other opinions about this soft, but this is mine. and after installing this soft and deactivating everthing, restarting phone, all my settings messed up, also brigthness and the order of my icons... oh men...

Anonym hat gesagt…

this app might be better protected ;-)
seems to have crc check. at least better then the rest I saw

Anonym hat gesagt…

Well the beauty of cracking isn't to crack beautiful software, but beautiful protection :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

found this :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

>but beautiful protection :)

you're so right :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

looks like somebody is up to it.Thanks

Anonym hat gesagt…

There's a software that I want it to be cracked.
download link:
And installer source:

Anonym hat gesagt…

>And installer source:

what language is this? for what is that app good for?

let's see if one cracker is interested in to get this app proof :)

Jimmy S. hat gesagt…


Anonym hat gesagt…

TouchPad Pro 4.0!!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

>TouchPad Pro 4.0

is this not freeware?