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EXAMPLE: cracked:

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Latest iPhone apps - cracked (realtime)


to all developers: your are welcome to post your apps

Hello to all developers out there !

I want to make sure that you don't understand this site wrong. Let me try to explain once more: This site is for developers and crackers. The plus for developers is, you can get your software proofed without paying anything (but you're welcome to donate :) ) if it's secure enough. Also we will show you which developer are the one in our view who make his app secure and safe.

the plus for crackers is -> nothing ! They does not win anything when they try to crack you soft and will just get for a moment a lot of serotonine only they can try to crack your app. So as developer you will have the most plus.

so, all developers out there are very welcome to post theier app to get theier app tested and proofed :)

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